Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rules of the Road: Use Your Signals!

It can be said that the lights and signals on your car are just as important as the wheels, especially with regard to staying safe on the road. However, far too many accidents continue to occur because of the driver failing to either keep his or her lights properly functioning or perhaps failing to correctly use certain important signals on their car. Needless to say, knowing how and properly using the lights and signals on your car will certainly decrease the chances of you getting into a serious accident.

“Blinkers,” “flashers,” and “indicators” are all words for turn signals which are used to show your intentions for moving in a lateral direction. As most people understand, using your turn signals is important, but it can certainly be stated that too many of us fail to use our signals when making a move into a different lane, off-ramp, or even when making a normal turn. Needless to say, failing to turn on your blinkers when making any kind of lateral move at all can be dangerous as the less that other nearby drivers know about your intentions, the higher the chance that they may run into you or visa-versa.

Making sure that your lights are functioning properly is also vital in helping to keep you safe on the road; not to mention the fact that non-functioning lights can get you pulled over by the police! Without a doubt, be sure to use your signals and ensure that your lights are functioning so that you can reduce your chances of a serious accident. For more information regarding defensive driving or safe driver resources, simply visit us at