Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Defensive Driving Class Offers a Range of Benefits!

Most of us have been there at some point or another; stuck on the side of the road with a mean-looking officer writing us a costly traffic ticket. These moments are not very happy and most of us would like to forget when these unfortunate events happen, but they are a fact of life. However, the pain really comes AFTER you get the ticket, as you begin to realize that you have to pay your traffic ticket, or do you? Actually, did you know that you can dismiss your traffic ticket with a defensive driving class? Well, you can!

In the state of Texas, if you’ve been handed a traffic ticket, it is possible to have it dismissed after taking a recognized defensive driving class, such as the online class offered at®. However, that’s just one of the many benefits of taking a defensive driving course. Did you also know that some of these courses can also be used to lower your insurance rate? This is also true, as most insurance companies will recognize defensive driving courses and reduce insurance rates after successful completion.

Although taking a defensive driving class can provide you with benefits such as a traffic ticket dismissal and reduced insurance rates, perhaps the best benefit of all is the fact that you’ll be able to receive great information about how you can become a safer and ultimately, better driver, and this benefit is simply priceless. If you’d like to find out more about how you can dismiss your traffic ticket, reduce insurance rates, and gain a great deal of useful knowledge, then browse through the® website today.

Monday, February 22, 2010’s® Rules of the Road:  Stay Safe - Don’t Tailgate!

So many accidents including multiple car pile-ups could have been avoided if drivers had simply provided enough space between themselves and the car in front of them. Although we were all warned at one time just how important the concept of space between cars is, we oftentimes forget this critical point and tailgate. Providing enough space is one of the most important rules of the road, and if you follow this rule, you can certainly reduce your chances of getting into a serious accident.

To stay safe and not tailgate, apply the two-second rule! If you sign up for a TX defensive driving course, you will surely hear about ways not to tailgate. One strategy is called the two-second rule, simply pace yourself, behind a vehicle for two seconds. For those who have forgotten this important rule: when driving behind a car, pick a specific landmark on the road ahead. Once the car in front of you passes the landmark, begin to count: one one-thousand, two two-thousand, and if you pass the landmark before you finish counting “two two-thousand,” then you are too close to the car in front of you and need to provide more space. This two-second rule can be applied in most circumstances, but when driving in bad weather conditions, two seconds should probably be extended to four or even five second intervals.

Providing enough space between you and the car in front of you will certainly help you to avoid accidents in the future, so be sure to utilize the two-second rule every time you’re out on the road. For more ways to improve your driving skills and stay safe on the roads, sign up for a Texas defensive driving course at®.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dismiss Your Traffic Ticket and More with the Defensive Driving Austin Course

Have you been handed a costly traffic ticket after being pulled over in Austin recently? If so, then you should realize that you have an opportunity to have your traffic ticket dismissed! That’s right; with the 100 percent online defensive driving Austin course from®, you’ll be able to dismiss your traffic ticket, but the benefits don’t even stop there!

There is so much to gain from taking a defensive driving Austin course from®! Aside from the fact that all courts in Texas recognize this course for traffic ticket dismissal, successfully completing the defensive driving course can also lead to a reduction in your insurance rate by up to 10 percent! Although these are great benefits, perhaps the best benefit of all is the fact that you’ll have the opportunity to improve your knowledge of how best to stay safe while on the road.

The defensive driving Austin course is convenient! In fact, since this course is all online, it’s possible to take the course from the comfort of you own home, or virtually anywhere you want just as long as you have a computer with working internet. Not only that, but this course is available at any time, which means that no matter what time of the day or day of the week it happens to be, you won’t have any problems with logging on. If you would like to find out more about the high quality defensive driving course, then simply browse through the® website. Also don’t hesitate to contact® if you have any questions.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sign Up for a TX Defensive Driving Course Today!

Texas may be a great place to live, but when you’re unfortunate enough to get handed a traffic ticket, Texas may be one of the last places that you’d like to be. However, an expensive traffic ticket doesn’t have to ruin your day completely, especially not if you take advantage of the benefits found with the high quality TX defensive driving course from®!

You can have your traffic ticket dismissed with a TX defensive driving course from®! This course is recognized by all courts in Texas for traffic ticket dismissal, but you’ll also be glad to know that this course can also lead to a reduction in your insurance rate! These benefits are really difficult to find anywhere else, so make sure that you take advantage of them while you still can! It’s also important to mention that this defensive driving course is super convenient, and since it’s 100 percent online, you won’t even have to leave your home in order to complete the course!

Become a safer driver with the TX defensive driving course from®. This course is an effective and entertaining way to provide you with the knowledge that you’ll need to stay safe on the road, and who knows, maybe one day this course will actually help to save your life. If you’d like to find out more, simply browse through the® website today. Signing up for a course is easy, so don’t delay and get started today, and don’t hesitate to contact® if you need any help.

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